Announcement! Important update about setup and breakdown

Hello Living Waters family! 👋

I want to share with you a small, but crucial update we're making to our services to increase our fellowship time on Sunday mornings, starting this Sunday. This primarily pertains to how we setup and breakdown before and after service.

  1. Church setup will now begin at 9am, instead of 8:30am. So if you consider yourself part of our setup team, or enjoy helping out every now and then, take note of this time change.
  2. Church breakdown will not begin until 12:15pm. Due to time restraints, we typically have started breaking down right after the service ends. However, this has inadvertently impacted our ability to fellowship with one another, especially with new members and visitors. If you consider yourself part of the breakdown crew, please take note that we will not be touching anything until after 12:15 (chairs, tables, goodies, banners, sound, etc.)

Our services will still begin at 10am. Here is the basic schedule of our Sunday gatherings.

9:30am: Service Setup

  • 10am: Worship & Communion
  • 10:20am: Treasure Seekers
  • 10:40am: Greetings and Announcements
  • 10:45am: Sermon
  • 11:30am: After Service Fellowship

12:15pm: Service Breakdown

I pray this change will allow us to enjoy one another and knit us together more for the glory of Christ.

Onward and Upward!

Pastor Greg

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