Get Ready for The Maranatha Series!

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Hey church! It's finally here. Our dive into the Book of Revelation. I'm excited. I hope you're excited. I cannot wait to dive into this amazing book.

This series will show us how God intends to close up the current era of human history and usher in a new eternal world as promised by God's Word. Together, we will uncover new hope and excitement as we anticipate Christ's soon return.

If you want to get a head start, read Revelation 1:1-3 which we will be covering in the teaching tomorrow.


The first episode of the Everyday Sunday Podcast is out now

This is the first episode, (but not the first). I have with me  Max Cordell as we dive deeper into the Historical Reliability of the New Testament. We discuss the finer points of the tests of reliability, the canon of Scripture, and how you can start your own studies in Biblical archeology.

It's currently available to listen to on Spotify or our Website.


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  1. Item 1
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  • Item A
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  • Item C

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