May 23rd: A Day of Prayer & Fasting for Our Church and Our City

Hello Living Waters! 👋

Feel free to follow this prayer schedule throughout the day. Simply set aside a moment each hour to lift up these requests to the Lord. Additionally, you may choose to fast until dinner as a way to deepen your focus and discipline during your prayer.

Love you fam,

Pastor Greg

P.S. I hope you'll join us for our Prayer Potluck Dinner tonight at 6pm at the Hendrick's. Click here to RSVP.

Prayer Schedule:

8am: Set your heart before the Lord and dedicate your day to Him in prayer. (Proverbs 16:3)

9am: Pray for our fellowship as we continue to grow and meet at the Boys & Girls Club. And pray for our Sunday services — that God's Word would be sown on good soil to be fruitful in growing God's people and seeing the lost saved. Pray also for those who are sick, and those recovering in our fellowship. (Hebrews 10:24-25; Luke 8:15)

10am: Pray for our children — the Treasure Seekers — that the Lord would set His mark on them, call them, and that our families would have the wisdom for discipling in the home. (Matthew 19:14; Proverbs 22:6; Deuteronomy 6:6-7)

11am: Pray for our Thailand orphans — Sompawn (10 yrs / boy), Jarugon (11 yrs / girl), Sidapawn (8 yrs / girl), and Warapon (9 yrs / boy) (Psalm 121:7-8; Isaiah 40:29; Philippians 4:19)

12pm: Pray for Thailand missions — that God would open the door for us to do more on the ground work in Thailand, for saving children and church planting. (Matthew 9:37-38; Acts 1:8) Also, our Thailand mission trip will be happening in August 2025. (Proverb 16:9; Isaiah 6:8; Matthew 28:18-20)

1pm: Pray for our new series, MARANATHA, through the Book of Revelation (with portions Daniel and Christ's teachings). Let's ask the Lord not only to give us wisdom through His Word on how to live during the last days, but that our Lord would draw more people in to hear His Word. (Revelation 1:3)

2pm: Pray for new visitors and new families coming in to the family of Living Waters. Let's pray for God to continue to give us a great love for newcomers and enlarge our heart for the lost.

3pm: We're continuing to pray for the Cascade View Retreat Center — that Lord willing — one day this would become a place for Living Waters to reach Central, Oregon. (Matthew 21:22; James 1:6; Hebrews 11:6)

4pm: Pray for our pastor and elders (Greg, Bob and Eric) leadling, overseeing and shepherding the church — for increased wisdom, courage and love for our fellowship (Hebrews 13:7, 17).

5pm: Pray for our nation as we enter an election year, specifically our president, upcoming president, our governor and our city mayor — that they would turn to Christ and be used as an effective leaders for God's glory and the benefit of the chruch. (1 Timothy 2:1-2; Proverbs 21:1)

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