⏮ Sunday Rewind: April 14th

Love Without Hypocrisy | Part 3
(Romans 12:17-21)

Sermon Summary: In week 1 we learned that we must abhor evil (v.9), that is the only to truly love what is good. But today, we're going to learn that abhorring is not enough — we must also rise above it — we must dominate it. And how are we to do that? Paul is about to show us. 

Listen to Sermon →

Treasure Seekers Lesson:

It's a Boy! (Genesis 21-22)

Summary: Abraham and Sarah were very old, but God promised them a son named Isaac. Isaac's birth showed that God keeps His promises. Later, God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, testing his faith. Abraham trusted God, and God provided a ram instead. This showed that God blesses those who trust Him, and Abraham's family would be a great blessing to others.

Connection to Jesus: Abraham's near sacrifice of Isaac is a remarkable story, but an even more amazing story is about God sacrificing His Son, Jesus. Isaac's story happened on a small mountain; Jesus' story took place on a hill. While a ram was provided for Isaac, Jesus was the sacrifice on the cross. Jesus, like the ram, saved us from death and forgave our sins. Believing in Jesus allows us to receive this forgiveness and be saved. It's wonderful to believe like Abraham and trust in Jesus for salvation.

Family Discipleship Time:

1) Take 5 minutes to read the Story (Story 9) in The Biggest Story Bible with your kids

2) Watch the Video →

3) Discuss the Story

  • What promise did God make to Abraham that made Sarah laugh? How do we see God keep this promise? What have we been learning about God and His promises?
  • What crazy command did God give to Abraham? Why did Abraham choose to obey God? How can we be like Abraham?
  • Did Abraham sacrifice his son? What happened to save Isaac's life? What does that teach us about our God?
  • What is the punishment for sin? God provided the ram to save Isaac's life. Who did God provide to save our life from death? What is the only way to escape God's punishment for sin?

4) Review the Treasure Card (Memory Verse): Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. - PROVERBS 3:5

5) Pray Together

This Week's Announcement:


Across the world Christians in persecuted countries gather for hours at a time to hear the Word of God taught. They don’t have the luxury we have to freely digest 45 minutes sermons Sunday after Sunday. Yet, in this long setting there is a blessing they experience that we miss out on. They grasp a fuller context of of Scripture by consuming it in one sitting. The Four*One Project is a discipleship event inspired by this experience. Together, we study 1 book of the Bible in 4 hours. Happening Saturday, April 20th, from 1 to 5pm at the Cascade View Retreat Center. 

Text GO to 541-827-3767 to register or head over to livingwatersoregon.com/go.


Koininia was the early church's term for "fellowship." Summer Koininia Dinners will held on Thursday Nights from 6-8pm as a potluck in a home, followed by teaching in the Word of God. If you're interested in seeing this happen, let us know by following the next steps.

Text GO to 541-827-3767 or go to livingwatersoregon.com/go.

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