⏮ Sunday Rewind: June 30th

The Historical Reliability of the New Testament

Sermon Summary: The New Testament is the most historically and bibliographically proven document in the world, coming out on top in historicity. Both Christian and non-Christian witnesses and archaeological evidence also confirm the historical reliability of the New Testament. The data is absolutely mind-blowing to see how God has preserved His holy Word.

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Treasure Seekers Lesson:

The Daughters of Zelophehad! (Numbers 27; 36)

The Big Truth: God wants all his people to know all his blessing— nobody is left out.

Summary: In Israel there lived a man named Zelophehad, who had no sons but five brave daughters: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. When their father passed away, the daughters sought to inherit his land. Unsure, Moses turned to God for guidance. God declared that the daughters were right and established a fair rule: if a man had no son, his daughters could inherit the land, ensuring everyone received God's blessings equally. This teaches us the importance of seeking God's wisdom in times of uncertainty and the value of fairness and inclusion for all in God's plans..

Connection to Jesus: The story of Zelophehad's daughters mirrors the promise of inheritance in the Bible, including Jesus' promise of a new land to his followers. Through Jesus, those who trust in him are adopted into God's family, inheriting a new and sinless land—a better land than what was promised to Zelophehad's daughters.

Family Discipleship Time:

Take 5 minutes to read the Story (Story 20) in The Biggest Story Bible and Watch the Video with your kids

Discuss the Story.

1. Had you heard of Zelophehad before today? What did his story teach you about God? Why is every part of the Bible important?

Takeaway: Every story (and every word!) of the Bible is important because it’s God’s word.

2. Was it fair that Zelophehad’s family would not receive any land because he didn’t have a son? What happened when his daughters asked Moses to inherit their father’s land? What does this reveal about God?

Takeaway: Like God, we should always strive to be fair.

3. When Zelophehad's daughters approached Moses, did he know what to do? Whom did he seek help from? Who should we turn to first when we need help? Does anyone have a personal story where God helped them?

Takeaway: God can assist us when we are uncertain of what to do.

4. How do we inherit Jesus’s wonderful blessings? How does this inheritance surpass what the daughters received?

Takeaway: Our inheritance in heaven will be truly magnificent.


Review the Treasure Card (Memory Verse):
He [God] has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, unfading, kept in heaven for you. - 1 Peter 1:3–4

Pray Together

Church Updates:

MARANATHA! Series Begins THIS SUNDAY through the Book of Revelation. Spread the word!

Maranatha, which means "Come, O Lord!", has been the anthem of the church since our Lord promised to return. In this series, Maranatha, we will carefully study verse by verse through the Book of Revelation with insights from the Book of Daniel interwoven to provide a cohesive understanding of biblical prophecy. 

This series will show us how God intends to close up the current era of human history and usher in a new eternal world as promised by God's Word. Together, we will uncover new hope and excitement as we anticipate Christ's soon return.

The Everyday Sunday Podcast for Living Waters Fellowship

For those who want to dive deeper into the biblical text, this podcast will provide a more in-depth look at the Bible verses we cover from Sunday’s sermon. Released every Friday starting on July 12th as we prepare to go through the Book of Revelation and Daniel.

Church Calendar:

  • July 4th: 4th of July Church Potluck. Join us anytime from 4pm-8pm at the Hendricks home. Contact Kim Hendricks to RSVP.
  • July 11th: Koininia Night: Tactics, Week 4: Handling the Topic of the Bible
  • July 25th: A Day of Prayer & Fasting

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