WORD of truth devotions

Anticipating Heaven

March 19, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

5 Minutes


Read John 14:1-4

“In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”  (John 14:2)

Heaven is a real place with real activity and real joy. This place is a realm and a kingdom that puts all of the joys and wonders of this earth to shame.

Heaven has all the human experiences we love about the beauty of this world and so much more. After all — our world was an extension of heaven before sin entered it.

Imagine the new mountain ranges there will be to explore; the meadows to pick flowers with wildly new colors and variations, waterfalls, shores, lakes, rivers of living water, fruits of all kinds; cities built on precious stones and streets laid with pure gold. The air is perfect. The colors emanate a more resplendent glory, the music is full of melodies that resonate with richer fullness, our restfulness is full of deeper tranquility, and the food will be far more delectable and savory.

You will be able to walk up to a lion and rest your head in his mane without fear. You will pet the eagle, ride on the back of a bear, hug the neck of a deer, and tumble around with a panther. The beauty of all of this is that you will not do these things alone, but together with others — in fellowship and communion with friends, family, and the saints.

You’ll feast around the table of Elijah as he regales you of the time he brought down fire from heaven to consume the false prophets of Baal. You will enjoy an evening walk with the Apostle Peter who describes in beautiful detail what it was like on the day the church was born as tongues of fire rested upon the heads of the disciples. You’ll interact with Noah, Job, Abraham, and Moses. You’ll converse with King David as he tells you what it was like to bring down the Goliath, and sing with him in his own Psalms of praise to the Lord. You’ll speak to Mary, the most blessed among women, as she tells you the Christmas story as she experienced it.

No restrictions. No place to be. Just eternal rest and joy. Time itself will no longer feel like a countdown, but rather a pleasure as you anticipate what new wonder each and every second will bring.

You’ll walk the streets of gold in the Kingdom of God. Enjoy festivals, celebrations, and all kinds of craftsmanship. New music and songs. You’ll be able to learn what you’ve always wanted to learn; and craft what you’ve always wanted to craft.

Yet, there is more. Among all these things, the greatest of these is Love — for God is love and we will see our God! We will see our Lord and Master Jesus Christ in the flesh. He will be Resurrected and us resurrected in Him by the Holy Spirit. Finally, we will hear what His voice is like. Oh! — to hear His laughter when He laughs, and His authority when He teaches like the sound of many waters, and yet  His tenderness when He speaks in a still small voice. We will see the color of His irises and feel the strength of His arms when He embraces us. As Thomas, we will feel the piercings in His hands and be forever reminded that we are Redeemed and forgiven and free in the place which He has prepared for us.

We will step into His throne room and see what John the Apostle and the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel all saw, and feel what he felt — a throne that glows with radiant glory, surrounded by the colors of rainbows, sitting on a sea of glass, like crystal (see Ezekiel 1:26-28; Isaiah 6:1-4; Daniel 7:9-10; Revelation 4:2-6).

We will see the Holy Angels, hear the thunderous flap of their wings, and feel the deep bass impacts of their worship as they cry out “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!” We will bow in humble reverence at the call to worship, and be enraptured in such glory and awe at the majesty of our King that our strength will fail us, yet we will be flooded with inexpressible joy, boundless peace and perfect rest — for there is no fear in Love.

We will hear the inexpressible words that Paul spoke of in 2 Corinthians 9, and see inexpressible things that John speaks of in the Revelation. All of it will fill us, transcend us, and excel all of our current earthly experiences. We will be in wonder at how we ever were content to think of the temporary, fleshly things when we were on earth, when we could be storing up for ourselves treasures in heaven — this new world where we will be spending eternity and where joy will never end, and all of our hopes and dreams are fulfilled.

All of this without the fear of death, for death will be swallowed up in victory (see 1 Corinthians 15:54). All of this without the burden of sinfulness and the opposition of the devil. We will be as free as freedom itself.

It is this place where our Lord Jesus Christ goes to prepare a place for us. Does that excite you and fill you with anticipation?

“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then [one day] face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12)

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