WORD of truth devotions

Do Not Be Afraid, Only Believe

July 23, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

4 Minutes


Read Mark 5:21-43

“Do not be afraid; only believe.” (Mark 5:36)

Everything about this account is chaotic. You can feel the urgency of the situation as an innocent, little girl was on the verge of death. She was the daughter of Jairus, a ruler of a local synagogue. Jairus had petitioned Jesus to follow him back to heal his daughter.

But as Jesus followed Jairus to the dying girl, progress was delayed and altogether halted. Crowds of people followed and were pressing hard against Jesus. At one point, Jesus Himself even hindered the journey, seeking to know who had touched Him and been healed of an incurable infirmity (see Mark 5:28-34). Everyone was confused and confounded by the sequence of events happening, even the disciples.

But how do you suppose Jairus was feeling when the journey came to a stop? How would you feel if your child was dying, but Jesus stopped to minister to someone else along the way?

Frustration? Anxiety? Fear? I think these words would describe any parent in Jairus’ situation. "Every second counts! Lord, why are we stopping? You can figure out who touched You later, but right now my daughter is dying! I need You to reach her before she succumbs to death."

But then, despite your best efforts to move things along faster, your worst nightmare comes true. While Jesus delays, you receive word that your daughter has passed away.

It's too late.

Or is it?

Before sorrow could fill Jairus' heart and before defeat could settle in, Jesus hears the bad news and immediately speaks life into the situation:

“Do not be afraid; only believe." (Mark 5:36)

The tragedy and urgency of the circumstances were not lost on Jesus. Christ was not unfocused and naive of the imminence of death. Rather, it was Jairus who was naive of the transcendence of Christ's power even over death!

And now Christ speaks directly to the heart of the issue. Jesus was communicating to Jairus: "I know you don't understand yet, but do not be afraid. I only need you to trust Me." Jesus arrives at the scene where the dead body of the girl lay. He tells those nearby not the weep for the little girl was only sleeping. And with only two words, "Talitha, cumi,” Christ awakens the girl from death itself!

Beloved, do you see the power of our risen Christ? What we consider to be dead, to Christ is only sleeping. What we consider to be a complete defeat, to Christ is only an imminent victory. What we consider to be urgently out of control, to Christ is His perfect timing.

We invest so much energy into fretting and worrying. We strive so hard to rush the Lord to do what we've called upon Him to do. We even get frustrated with Him and question His delays. But our Savior's response to us is always: "Trust Me."

Nothing is dead in the presence of Christ. Nothing is mistimed in the timing of Christ. Nothing is finished until Christ says so.

Christian, whatever ails you today, remember your Savior's words: "Do not be afraid. Only believe." Do not let fear grip you! Instead, find your strength in the perfect Christ who knows your exact circumstances and knows exactly what He is doing.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8–9)

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