March 10, 2023
Greg Stone
Read Time:
4 Minutes
One of the greatest tactics of warfare is the decoy. It gives you the advantage to gain ground where your enemy is not focused. We know that our enemy, that serpent of old, the devil, is cunning and crafty. He knows the tactic of the decoy better than anyone — even more, he invented it. His greatest ruse is to get Christ's army to focus the fight on those things which are carnal and fleshly. If he can get the church to feel they are gaining physical ground, then he can move in and take our spiritual ground.
Does it matter how physically mighty we appear if we lack spiritual stoutness? Our weapons are not the church building, the attendance numbers and the slew of ministries operating under the church name. Our weapons are spiritual, not carnal. They are of the Spirit, not of the flesh. They are mighty in God, not in a man.
Satan has more reason to fear one spiritually-minded Christian than he does ten thousand fleshy ones. Carnal Christians are like children playing sword fights. It only plays the part in an imaginary world, but children pose no real threat to a legitimate army. How much less do Christians fighting in the flesh pose little threat to the forces of spiritual darkness?
This is what the devil wants — Christians pretending and pacifying the time in physical fights. Lucifer will take a political Christian over a praying Christian any day! He is threatened in the testimony of a saint, not in the sovereignty of a senator. The devil knows that one spiritually-minded Christian can make ten thousand flee, and one Spirit-led believer can shake a whole demonic battalion.
Paul commanded Timothy with these words:
Wage the good warfare — how so?
We cannot be distracted by battles which have no affect on the spiritual war before us. For this reason, as Christians, we must take the fight where the fight is; and we must fight with the weapons of warfare that work against principalities and powers of hell. Souls should not be perishing while we’re busy signing petitions. Satan should not be binding up eternal destinies while we’re bolstering up temporary vanities —
Therefore, let us treat the subject of the Armor of God, not as a leftover Sunday School lesson for children, but as a pledge to our spiritual duty as the redeemed army of the King of Kings!
Luke 6:5
Greg Stone
February 20, 2023
The Sabbath Law was a custom well over 1,000 years old which came from the Torah, the Law of Moses. Even more, this law was not created by man, but issued by God Himself and written by the finger of the Almighty on Stone Tablets which...
ReadNumbers 4:49
Greg Stone
April 27, 2023
In this seemingly tedious chapter of Numbers we learn of the marching orders given to the Levites concerning the tabernacle. But hidden within we discover a powerful truth about God and about ministry, which is — ministry should be done...
ReadWe invite you to join us in worshipping our great God and studying His Word
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