April 18, 2023
Greg Stone
Read Time:
4 Minutes
The second letter to Timothy from the aged apostle is one of the most intimate letters in the New Testament. Timothy was like a son to Paul, and this message served as Paul’s final fatherly encouragement. When read in this context, you can feel the sincerity and fervency of Paul’s words. Because of this, there are many things in this letter we can take heed to — especially as it relates to overcoming fear.
There is enough biblical evidence to suggest that Timothy, who was at the time pastoring a church in Ephesus, struggled with fearfulness and worry. He was obviously a timid man. Anxiety had frequented his thoughts and affected his actions in the ministry. Because of this, we see Paul often encouraging Timothy toward courage and confidence in the Scriptures.
In Paul’s first letter, he tells Timothy —
And yet, here again, in the second letter we see Paul continuing to exhort Timothy in the same way.
Timothy seems to have continued to allow fear to affect his ministry. The gift which God had given him, both to pastor and to preach, was being stagnated. But what was it that Timothy was afraid of? We’re not exactly sure. In any case, the consequences of letting his fear reign were negatively influencing his power, love, and discernment. Paul immediately gets to the heart of this by proclaiming what is today a well known and popular verse.
Do you believe this? — that fear has no place in your life? You do not need to be afraid, nor live in fret and worry. God has removed all reasons to fear through His Son Jesus Christ when He saved us and called us to Himself. He is your refuge and your strong tower (see Psalm 61:3). If God is for you, who can be against you? (see Romans 8:31; 1 John 4:4)
Don’t be fooled — fear is one of the greatest tactics of the devil. He knows how powerful you are under the blood of the cross. He knows how much he has to lose if you move in the confidence of God’s power. He knows how difficult it is to stop a Christian who uses the love and discernment of the Holy Spirit. So what does he do? He strikes with fear to paralyze you. He tries to make you anxious.
Satan is a great researcher and crafty orator. He knows how to dig up your past and persuade you against the confidence you have in Christ. I’m convinced that if the devil only had one weapon, he would choose the sharp edge of fear. It is his most successful ploy.
But we can combat this powerful weapon of the enemy with an even more powerful weapon from God — love.
Dear Beloved, we must rest in the love of God, and all fears will wash away. It is God’s love that empowers us and that renews our mind. It really is that simple. There isn’t anything the devil or this world can do against a Christian who has been perfected in this wondrous divine love!
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