WORD of truth devotions

Freedom from the Tyranny of False Kings

November 2, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

4 Minutes


Read Hosea 8:1-14

”They set up kings, but not by Me...” (Hosea 8:4)

Hosea was married to a harlot. And Hosea’s ministry was not in the declaration of his words, but also in the depiction of his wedlock.

Gomer. That was his wife’s name (see Hosea 1:3). Ironically, her name means “to complete.” But she was not a complete wife by any means. She was an unfaithful wife. She strayed from her own marriage bed and prowled after other lovers, like a wolf after its prey. Ah! — the torment Hosea must have endured when he slept alone at night wondering where she was. What strange man was she engaged with tonight?

Did Hosea not have the right to cast her out? He did! Did he not have the right to see her stoned to death according to the Law of Moses? He did! (see Deuteronomy 22:22) But Hosea demonstrated the sacrificial love of God. He restored Gomer.

Even when Hosea found Gomer in the marketplace of slaves; even when she was in bondage by her own sin, what did Hosea do? He did not shame her, condemn her or pass her by. Instead, he graciously redeemed her with his own money and carried her back home like a loving shepherd carries a battered sheep (see Hosea 3:1-5).

Hosea knew a thing or two about how God felt in His relationship with the nation of Israel. Hosea’s marriage to Gomer was the depiction of God’s marriage to Israel. God was faithful. Israel was unfaithful.

Just as Gomer unfaithfully set up strange men to sleep with, so too did Israel set up kings who were not of God! — and even erected idols of silver and gold for themselves.

“They set up kings, but not by Me; They made princes, but I did not acknowledge them. From their silver and gold They made idols for themselves... My people are bent on backsliding from Me. Though they call to the Most High, None at all exalt Him.” (Hosea 8:4, 11:7)

And yet, God’s enduring love and affection for Israel could not be overwhelmed by their sin, anymore than an ant could overwhelm a lion.

“How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel? How can I make you like Admah? How can I set you like Zeboiim? My heart churns within Me; My sympathy is stirred.” (Hosea 11:8)

What kind of faithfulness is this? Only the faithfulness of a Mighty God! His mercy and compassion never fail! Where sin abounded, grace did abound all the more! (see Romans 5:20)

But is this where the lesson ends? Far from it! God will be God, and we will praise Him for that, but there is an application to draw out that is intended for us!

Beloved, what rules you? Israel set up kings not of God. Have you set up kings not of God? Be alert! Watch out for those godless kings, which make vain promises, but in the end only lead us astray.

To name a few —

King Money. He promises great possessions, but pierces his victims through with many sorrows (see 1 Timothy 6:9).

King Emotion. He promises satisfaction, but leads his followers toward destruction (see Proverbs 14:12).

King Fear. He promises security through avoidance, but keeps his subjects trapped in a life of anxiety and limitations (see 2 Timothy 1:7).

King Pride. He promises exaltation, but brings oppression and shame (see Proverbs 16:18).

King Self. He promises gratification, but fosters division and neglect (see James 3:16).

All of these kings — and many more — are in rebellion against God. Let us beware not to play the harlot with these false lords, who only sell us into bondage. There is only one Sovereign King that belongs on the throne of our hearts, and that is the King of kings: Jesus Christ. Seek Him and submit your life into His merciful hands, for He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (see Hebrews 11:6).

“Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD, Till He comes and rains righteousness on you.” (Hosea 10:12)

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