WORD of truth devotions

God, Our Shield

April 4, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

3 Minutes


Read Psalm 7

“My defense is of God, Who saves the upright in heart.” (Psalm 7:10)

What a great comfort to all who are the LORD’s! God is our defense and our salvation! Could you ask for a more ferocious defense than our God’s? Who can penetrate it? What trial or trouble or conflict can pierce it? No principalities or powers in the universe threaten the fortification of His Divine might.

If you look closely at your Bible's foot notes, you might see that a more literal rendering of this verse reads: “My shield is upon God!" What an interesting act of faith! David had cast off his own shield of defense and given it to God. Every man of war had his own shield-bearer, David chose to make God his!

Beloved, have you cast your shield into the mighty arms of God? Do you trust in the Living God to guard you on every side? Whatever ails your souls today, you must choose to cry out in faith as David did.

“But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head.” (Psalm 3:3)

Are we not the children of Abraham by faith (see Romans 4:16), and what promise did the God make to him?

“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” (Genesis 15:1)

Therefore, do not keep petitioning the Lord for His help if you are unwilling to cast off your own shield to Him. You must stop begging for help as if He has not already given you His Promise. Trust Him! God has already given! He is already your great Defender! And He has already commanded you to cast your burdens on Him. (see Matthew 11:28; 1 Peter 5:7)

Therefore, church, it is time that we make a proclamation of faith as David did. "My defense is of God! I cast my shield upon You! I trust You to save!” Whatever is assaulting your life, whether fears or trials or even Satan himself, God is mighty to save. Amen.

“When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19)

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