WORD of truth devotions

Modern Day Prophets: Answering the Call to Proclaim God’s Word

July 15, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

3 Minutes


Read Jeremiah 11

“[Those who devised schemes against me said], ‘Do not prophesy in the name of the LORD, lest you die by our hand’—” (Jeremiah 11:21)

Have you ever been threatened or attacked for proclaiming God's Word? The enemy of our souls, the devil, has been working tirelessly since the creation of mankind to destroy the Word of God. Satan hates Scripture, and even more, he hates those who preach it to others.

In Jeremiah's day, there were a group of men from Anathoth (a region of Benjamin; see Jeremiah 1:1) - men whom Satan was trying to use to intimidate the prophet from speaking the Word of God. They challenged Jeremiah and threatened his life. They were even so bold to say: "Do not prophesy in the name of the LORD!"

When we read the Book of Acts, we find a similar challenge put in the way of the apostles. "Do no speak any more in the name of Jesus!" But the apostles knew they must obey God rather than men, and were ready and willing to face whatever punishment came their way for being preachers of God (see Acts 5:28-29).

In our day as well, Satan's purpose remains the same — to dwindle the proclamation of God's Word. And if he cannot dwindle the proclamation of it, then he will attempt to wash down the content of it. Sadly, in our current atmosphere, the devil has succeeded in this in far too many areas, even within the church. The preaching of Scripture has been replaced with motivational speeches; the saving gospel has been usurped by the political campaigns; and the worship of God has been replaced by a culture of self!

Beloved, we must open our eyes and recognize that the enemy who threatened Jeremiah for preaching the truth is the same enemy who is watering down our Lord's gospel today. Do we recognize it? Will we shut our mouths in fear of what man can do Or will we answer the call to be Christ’s ambassadors to the world for the gospel? I believe every generation of Christians has to answer this question.

Church, I pray that we will be a people who will answer the call! That just as Noah, who was a preacher of righteousness by himself in a world opposed to God, we too will never stop prophesying in the name of the LORD even if none stand with us. May the Lord give us the heart and the boldness of Jeremiah!

“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14)

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