WORD of truth devotions

Never Stop Rejoicing

January 22, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

5 minutes


Read Nehemiah 12:27-43

“Also that day they offered great sacrifices, and rejoiced, for God had made them rejoice with great joy; the women and the children also rejoiced, so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard afar off.” (Nehemiah 12:43)

Here in chapter 12 of Nehemiah the walls of Jerusalem had finally been built and completed, and the people of Israel were dedicating the wall unto the Lord (see verse 27). They had rebuilt the wall in just 52 days! But during those days it was met with much resistance from the enemy. Yet, the people of Israel had persevered and overcome. It was a rather big deal, and no doubt, an occasion for rejoicing.

And wow! — did they rejoice! The Scripture says their joy could be heard from afar off!

That means enemies and foreigners heard their rejoicing unto the LORD.

The people were celebrating with loud instruments including cymbals, stringed instruments and harps. Two separate choirs were appointed for singing praises to God throughout the day. The leaders of Israel were gathered in unison at the wall and the house of God. And it was all consummated as the priests were offering great sacrifices to the LORD.

There was a party going on! There had not been a day like this in Jerusalem for over 70 years since the Temple was rebuilt after the Babylonian captivity.

Wait. All of this rejoicing for a wall? How excited could people get over a wall?

You have to understand that the rebuilt wall of Jerusalem signified the renewed blessing, protection and peace of God over Jerusalem, and thereby over the whole nation of Israel. The wall was first built by King Solomon (see 1 Kings 3:1) during the greatest era of peace and prosperity that Israel has ever seen as a nation. This was, of course, primarily due to King David’s dominant dynasty that King Solomon inherited. But the destruction of the wall by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar (see 2 Kings 25) marked the end of that golden era and fulfilled the intentional judgment of God on Israel for their idolatry.

But those days are gone now. The wall was standing strong again and it told Israel that God had not forgotten His people and that His hand of mercy was still upon them. It was a full circle experience that led to this great time of celebration and worship toward God.

Did all of Israel's problems go away? Certainly not. Were there still many enemies nearby? Absolutely. Would they ever return to the golden age of David's dynasty? Not in this life. However, the people of Israel could rejoice with joy, knowing that the true and living God had blessed them and called them His own special people.

If Israel found great joy in the significance of the wall of Jerusalem, how much greater joy do you think the Church should experience over the profound significance of the cross of Jesus?

The church should be known above all other people as a people who are full of joy and rejoicing. The cross of Jesus has taken away our sin! The resurrection of Jesus has taken away the sting of death! Our soul is saved and our mortal bodies are empowered by the Holy Spirit — and that’s not even the best part! Our names have been penned in the Lamb’s book of Life so that we have the hope of eternity ahead of us.

“And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD; It shall rejoice in His salvation.” (Psalm 35:9)

Forget about a wall — we have the cross! Enemies still surround us and problems still come at us, but we have the cross! And in the cross we have every reason to rejoice and be full of joy.

It is mandatory that we as the people of God live by this reality and put on this perspective. We cannot afford to be known as sour and saddened victims of our circumstances. We can and should rise above them through the joy of the Lord!

That is not to belittle our difficulties or play down our sorrows. God knows and sympathizes. But NOTHING should steal our joy and ability to rejoice in the Lord.

“…This day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”” (Nehemiah 8:10)

So rejoice in the Lord today. Do it with all your heart so that even the enemy of your soul, Satan, will hear you from afar off.

“We will rejoice in your salvation, And in the name of our God we will set up our banners!” (Psalm 20:5)

“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4)

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