WORD of truth devotions

Rejoice, Your Savior Lives!

July 18, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

3 Minutes


Read Matthew 28

“Jesus met them, saying, “Rejoice!” (Matthew 28:9)

It was early Sunday morning. Faithful women of Christ's ministry had come to see the tomb where Jesus lay, but He was not there. Suddenly, they were interrupted by an angel who told them the good, but shocking, news. "Go!" the angel said. "Go and tell Christ's disciples that He is risen from the dead!"

What a shift in emotions! Mourning turned into dancing. Sorrow into joy. Weakness into strength. Tears of sadness into tears of happiness. Jesus, their Lord, whom they thought to see dead, is not dead at all! — but alive and well. And now the women must fulfill the wonderful commission of sharing the news with the disciples.

So they run! They probably ran harder than they had ever run before. What a scene. But then — another interruption — Jesus Himself meets them on their way. Can you imagine how overjoyed they must have felt? First, to hear the good news by the mouth of an angel from heaven, and then to see the good news with your own eyes! They must have been completely beside themselves. Without hesitation they fall down, cling to the pierced feet of Jesus, and worship Him.

It is here, in this scene, that we have the first words of the Resurrected Christ as recorded by Matthew. In fact, not words but a single word. "Rejoice!" said Jesus.


Think of it! Of all the words that Christ could choose to say as being alive from the grave, He chooses just a single word — a word wisely and divinely chosen to embody what all disciples of Christ ought to do when they think of His resurrection. Rejoice!

Beloved, the Resurrection of Christ ought to make us rejoice! Christians ought to be the happiest people on the planet. Too many of us walk around like Jesus is still in the grave, but He is not, dear friend. He is alive! Therefore let Him be your source of rejoicing!

It is not my goal to belittle difficulties and tragedies. There certainly are times of sadness and great need which we will face in this life. Yet, regardless of circumstances, there is a deep-rooted joy we absolutely must feel when we think of how Jesus has conquered death. Express that joy, Christian! Don’t bury it under your gloomy state of affairs, but let it break through and shine light on your weary soul.

I am confident, Beloved, that the resurrection of Christ is the answer for all happiness, the comfort for all sadness, and the light against all shadows. Therefore, start each day rejoicing that Jesus is alive, and you are alive in Him.

“I count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord… that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection” (Philippians 3:8, 10)

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