WORD of truth devotions

Shepherds, Wolves, and Hirelings

July 29, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

4 Minutes


Read Jeremiah 25

“Wail, shepherds, and cry! Roll about in the ashes, You leaders of the flock! For the days of your slaughter and your dispersions are fulfilled; You shall fall like a precious vessel. And the shepherds will have no way to flee, Nor the leaders of the flock to escape.” (Jeremiah 25:34–35)

Well did the Apostle James preach: “My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.” (James 3:1)

Stricter judgment! To handle the very words of God is not something to be trifled with by careless hands. And to lead the flock of God — and much more! the bride of Christ — without fear and trembling should never be.

“But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word.” (Isaiah 66:2)

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God, but oh, how much more for those who fall into His hands as false teachers and self-indulgent shepherds? What can be said of such hypocrites who shut up the kingdom of heaven against men, who neither go in themselves nor allow others to enter in? Jesus had one thing to say to such people: "Woe to you!" (see Matthew 23:13)

Even so, the prophet Ezekiel had a word from the Lord for such men —

“Thus says the Lord God to the shepherds: “Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks? … Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require My flock at their hand” (Ezekiel 34:2, 10)

Beloved church! — we must be careful. Have your eye out for wolves! If a wolf in sheep's clothing is dangerous, how much more a wolf in shepherd's clothing?

But be also careful of hirelings! Hirelings are not shepherds, but leave the sheep when they see a wolf nearby. They are lovers of self, and care only for the glory of the praises of men, not for the nurturing of the sheep.

And even still be careful of the disqualified. They do not grow in Christ nor understand the Scriptures. They have become idle talkers. These profess to know God, but in works they deny Christ their Savior, being abominable, disobedience, and disqualified for every good work (see Titus 1:16). From such men turn away, the apostle says!

Where then can one find a good shepherd who trembles at God’s Word? And how should we define him?

He must be a sheep himself of the true Good Shepherd, who does not follow the voice of strangers and strange doctrines (see John 10:3-5, 11). He must be preoccupied with feeding the flock of Christ, not for the admiration of the sheep or for a financially secure life (see John 21:15-17). And he must be a man who flees to his studies often that he might rightly divide the Word of Truth for himself and for those who hear him (Titus 2:15).

As a pastor behind these words, I write to all pastors and Bible teachers reading this. May they be a testimony against us if we should violate or abandon our calling to shepherd. And to all others, may they also be the criteria for you to hold pastors and Bible teachers accountable to the Scriptures, discerning whom you follow and whom you lend your ear to.

“Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.” (Acts 20:28–29)

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