WORD of truth devotions

The Ever Enduring Word of God

July 25, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

4 Minutes


Read Acts 12

“Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck [Herod], because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. But the word of God grew and multiplied.” (Acts 12:23–24)

There is an observation I want you to notice about this section of Scripture. In it we find one of the most crucial truths about the Word of God, and it is illustrated in the most wonderful, yet awful fashion. Observe this: Prideful Herod was eaten by worms, BUT the Word of God grew and multiplied.

At first, this seems like such an odd comparison, doesn't it? Why would the author, Luke, decide to tell us this gruesome story of Herod's death, and then proceed to compare it to the success of multiplying the Word of God?

The answer is in the question. Herod is, in many ways, a picture of all that man has to offer by his own word apart from God.

Herod was dressed in royal apparel. He sat on his eminent throne. He preached an oration of his own words which confounded the people. It was so eloquent that the crowds even praised his voice as the voice of a god! But Herod's word led to his own death, for in it he prided in himself, and was divinely struck by worms and eaten up.

What a vivid picture of the end of man's prideful efforts! It matters not what royalty you boast. It matters not what prestige you have or physical talents you possess. All efforts of humanity apart from God are eaten by worms.

But the Word of God, it was not preached in any form of royalty or eloquence, but preached by poor apostles and bondservants of Christ. Yet! — the Word of God, unlike Herod's word, grew and multiplied.

“All flesh is as grass, And all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, And its flower falls away, But the word of the LORD endures forever.” (1 Peter 1:24–25)

Truly, Beloved, we have in our possession the Living Word of God! It grows and multiplies on its own authority! Wherever it goes forth, whether out of the mouths of peasants or the mouths of kings, it melts the stone-hardened hearts of man like wax.

Ah! — but we underestimate the Word of God too often, don’t we? To our shame we forget the power of the Scriptures and what it accomplishes among us. The church is guilty of hiding the Word behind fancy curriculums and fanciful lesson plans in hopes to liven it up.

Every Sunday across this nation, pastors and teachers forsake the clear exposition of the Living Scriptures for lifeless motivational speeches (I utterly refuse to call them sermons!) I fear we have more "rich in pride" Herods at our pulpits giving the orations of man rather than "poor in spirit" pastors preaching the oracles of God.

Therefore, we must as God's people — as saints called by Christ according to His purpose — remain faithful to the enduring Word of God. If there is any legacy to leave behind to the coming generations, let it be the legacy of God's Word in your life. Speak of it often with your friends, your children, and your grandchildren. Expound on it whenever opportunity arises.

Our words will die as sure as we will, but God's Word will continue growing and multiplying generation after generation, and it will go forth forevermore!

“Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness endures to all generations; You established the earth, and it abides.” (Psalm 119:89–90)

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