WORD of truth devotions

The Gospel Empowered Christian

August 11, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

4 Minutes


Today’s Reading: Romans 1:15-17

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16)

When the Apostle Paul was confronted by the Risen Christ for the first time on the road to Damascus he was changed forever. His eyes went blind from the glorious revelation. It wouldn’t be until several days later that a faithful disciple named Ananias came to pray for him. When he did, the Scriptures tell us that something like scales fell from Paul’s eyes and immediately he could see. From that moment forward Paul would be forever changed and the power of the Gospel of Christ would be upon his lips. (see Acts 9:1-20)

The Christian experience often follows that of Paul’s. There is salvation in an instant when an unbeliever puts their faith in Christ. The power of the Gospel has struck their soul like a lightning bolt and they are transformed into a new creation. Once seated among the scornful (see Psalm 1:1), they are now seated with Christ in heavenly places (see Ephesians 2:6).

All of this happens while the newly born again Christian is still unaware of the power which struck them. They know they are saved by the blood of Christ, but the power of the Gospel is an ongoing unveiling. And thus begins the Christian experience "from glory to glory.” As we grow, our blindness is removed scale by scale the more we comprehend the power of the Gospel.

“The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.” (Psalm 119:130)

Therefore, let us come to understand just a little more today. What can be said of this Gospel power?

First, no doubt, there is no other power like it. It is matchless! The word which Paul uses for power in our selected verse is the same word he used earlier to describe the power of Christ's resurrection from the dead as the declared Son of God (see Romans 1:4). This power speaks of an outflow of energy, a superior force, much like the electrical power of a lightning bolt which can produce over one billion volts faster than the blink of an eye. Of how much more power do you suppose is required to overpower death itself and initiate salvation to a lost soul? That, my friend, is an extraordinary amount of power! And the source of it is found within blessed Gospel.

Beloved, have you come to recognize the power of God that is working within you, even now? You are an empowered individual under the banner of the Gospel!

Second, we must observe: this Gospel power is not intended to be hidden but revealed. Just as a city on a hill cannot be hidden, so, too, the Gospel power is impossible to hide. But what a shame when attempts are made to hide it! It is declared to everyone for everyone. “Whosoever believes was the cry of Christ in John 3:16.

Are you a Whosoever? You certainly are! But do not forget that the godless, the wicked and the reprobate are Whosoevers as well. The Gospel is not for a privileged few, but for the masses. Jesus shed His precious blood for every soul and His Gospel has the power to save all (see 1 Timothy 4:10).

Are you hiding the Gospel from your neighbors? Shouldn’t they know its glorious power? Did not Christ shed His precious blood for them as much as for you?

Christian, you do not need to place the burden of saving others upon your shoulders. This is not yours to bear. It was Christ’s. Far too many tremble at the thought of sharing the Gospel because they are overwhelmed by the responsibility to make an unbeliever believe. But you must remember, dear friend, that the power is not of you, but is of the Gospel. You are simply commissioned to preach it and nothing else. Let the power of the Gospel do the rest.

The more you trust and comprehend the Gospel message, the more your eyes will be opened to the wonders of its power!

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18)

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