WORD of truth devotions

The Surprising Definition of Faith in the Bible

November 16, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

4 Minutes


Read Hebrews 11:1-3

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

The concept of faith has become a cliche in western culture. A once powerful river has been reduced to a shallow stream. Storytellers have capitalized on the word, using phrases like: “Just believe and all your dreams will come true.” Sadly, for us, this has transformed the biblical principle of faith into a feeble notion of wishful thinking, akin to tossing pennies into a fountain and hoping for miracles.

But when we unpack the true, biblical definition of faith, we discover, not a clever illusion for fiction, but a bedrock of reality which we can firmly stand. The author of Hebrews, almost as if foreseeing the soon compromise of its meaning, gives us God’s own definition of faith. Let us carefully examine it and comprehend its meaning.

At the outset, we observe the undeniable confidence of the author, who like a captain yells, “We sail forward!” Here he states, “Now faith is...” Faith is! He does not burden us with what faith is not. He does not waste our time going over the differences between faith and doubt, or faith and pretense. He steers us straight towards our destination, like a skilled navigator. If we can grasp the true definition of what faith is, then there is no need to worry about what it is not.

Oh Beloved, what a simple, yet profound principle this is. How many times do we strive to stop our doubts, rather than rest in the reality of faith? Why doubt the truth when you can discover it? Why stumble in darkness when all you need to do is turn on the lights? That is the genius of the author of Hebrews. He refuses to be distracted and cuts to the heart of it.

Next, you will notice, there are two complimentary definitions of faith provided by the author, each supporting the other. These two definitions of faith are hanging on two key words: substance and evidence.

The term substance can be rendered “assurance,” while evidence can be translated as “confidence.” Don’t miss this. The fundamental concept of biblical faith does not mean wishing for a fleeting dream. It means being confident and assured of what is true. It means being convinced and certain of what is to come.

The English Standard Version translates our verse this way:

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Beloved, the Scriptures declare that our Lord Jesus Christ was pierced for our transgressions in order to pay for our sins. We do not wish this to be true against the evidence. Rather, we trust it to be true according to the evidence! The Scriptures declare that there are heavenly realms just beyond our physical eyes, where angels and demons are battling for the souls of men. We do not wish this to be true against the evidence. We are certain it is true according to the evidence!

Do you realize what the author of Hebrews has told us? He has revealed that “faith” is testable. Every aspect of our faith in the Scriptures and in the God of the Scriptures is open to examination, allowing us to inspect and confirm its authenticity.

Do you think the Bible is scared of your questions? By no means! Do you think God in heaven is concerned with your suspicions? No way!

For what does the Apostle Paul say?

‌“Test all things; hold fast what is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

Many Christians hesitate to test their faith, not realizing that inherent to the very definition of faith is to test the evidence. This is biblical faith — the kind of the faith God welcomes. The kind of faith God rewards! (see Hebrews 11:6)

Beloved, put all of your assurance and confidence in God and His Word, and you will witness His faithfulness and His truth overwhelm you like a mighty tidal wave. You do not have to wish that God is good or that His Word is true — you can test it!

“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” (Psalm 34:8)

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