WORD of truth devotions

To the Fathers: Take Courage!

August 18, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

3 Minutes


Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 47

“At the noise of the stamping hooves of his strong horses, At the rushing of his chariots, At the rumbling of his wheels, The fathers will not look back for their children, Lacking courage” (Jeremiah 47:3)

This chapter is against the Philistines, a people who dwelt in the coastal region of Canaan. They were utterly wicked. Dagon was their god — a part human and part fish deity — and they worshiped him through various kinds of sacrifices, including human sacrifice. The Philistines were also the sworn enemy of Israel. We’re all familiar with the Philistine, Goliath, whom David famously defeated with the sling.

But this ancient people would come to their end. Jeremiah prophesies by the Word of the LORD that the Babylonian Empire would wipe them off the map. And, indeed, that is what happened. Have you ever met a Philistine?

Now, if we look closer, we find embedded in this message of judgment a terrifying description against cowardly fathers. Notice verse 3. At the sound of hooves and chariots coming against them for battle, these Philistine men ran in cowardice for their lives without even a wink of concern for their families. They ran and did not look back to their children, for they lacked courage. The King James Bible says it this way: "because of their feebleness of hands." This is both descriptive of their judgment, as well as prescriptive of why they were judged.

Who can find a faithful father?

“Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, But who can find a faithful man? The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.” (Proverbs 20:6–7)

What a tragedy when fathers care more for themselves than for their children! What a cowardly act against God to run from conflict and battle at the expense of your little ones. Do not be fooled. This is not an ancient woe, but a modern one! Fatherlessness in our country is worse than ever before, and is the single most driving statistic of a nation in decline.

God needs fathers! Real dads who are protectors, priests, and pastors of their homes — who father their children, who cover them in battle, and sacrifice themselves for their benefit. If you are a father, this is the responsibility and the authority God has given you as the head of your home. Seize it! Take courage! Strengthen your hands! Never forsake your post!

When the battle is afoot, become the warrior your children need. When the storm is overhead, become their shelter. When the enemy is at the gates, stand as their protector. Your presence alone is so powerful, that even if you are overcome in defeat, your children will have the victory.

Fathers, our culture needs you more than ever before. Take your stand today by the power of Christ to be all that you are called to be. Be a father! — and be a good and godly one. Your children need it, let alone deserve it. Men, if you are not a father, become a fatherly figure. There are children everywhere who need a father in their lives.

In this, fathers, we will do well to bring the most glory to God.

“The glory of children is their father.” (Proverbs 17:6)

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