WORD of truth devotions

Go Deeper into Discipleship

February 24, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

4 MInutes


Read Luke 10:1-12

“After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go.” (Luke 10:1)

We often forget that Jesus had more than twelve disciples. We learn in verse 1 that our Lord had also appointed 70 more disciples to go out and preach the gospel into every city, town and village in Israel. Perhaps we fail to remember them because they are only mentioned in this one chapter in all the Gospel accounts. In any case, our Lord had a philosophy of ministry that should unquestionably be the pattern for discipleship in every church, and among every Christian.

A dear friend of mine and faithful saint once said to me: “Every Christian needs a Paul (someone to disciple you), a Timothy (someone you disciple) and a Barnabas (someone to be encouraged by) in their walk of life, with Jesus as Lord over all.” Amen!

Christ Himself first had an inner three — Peter, James, and John — whom He trusted in more intimate and miraculous settings of ministry, like the Transfiguration (see Matthew 17:1-2) and the raising of Jairus’s daughter from the dead (see Luke 8:51-52).

Beyond the Inner Three were, of course, the twelve chosen disciples of Christ, who were appointed to be the authoritative apostles of our Lord (see Luke 6:13; Matthew 19:28), save Judas who fell away.

Beyond the twelve, then, we have this additional seventy disciples who were appointed to go out, and were faithful to do as the Lord commanded them with joy (see verse 17). Then, if we go beyond the seventy, we possibly have an even larger group of so-called disciples who signed up for more than they bargained for, as many of them turned away when things got hard.

From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more." (John 6:66)

What an ironic verse number, would you say!?

In addition, we can then move outward to the crowds and the multitudes who followed Jesus to be ministered to, whether by hearing His Word or to be healed by Him in some way. These crowds were people who generally wanted something from the Lord, but were by no means interested in being His disciples. Yet, our Lord was willingly spent for them, for He had compassion on them seeing them as sheep without a shepherd.

So you see, even Jesus did ministry in a circle of disciples with a radius that stemmed outward to larger and larger groups.

Those closer to Jesus, like the Inner Three, were given more responsibilities in ministry; more opportunities in leadership; more correction and rebuke as needed; and more accountability to Christ’s ways. Oh, but what joy it came with! Was not John designated as the disciples whom Jesus loved? (see John 13:23) Was it not Peter who alone confessed that great confession of Christ revealed by the Father (see Matthew 16:16), and alone had the faith to walk on stormy waters with Jesus? Was it not James, and only two others, who with his own eyes saw Moses and Elijah at Christ’s transfiguration? (see Matthew 17:3). Peter was the Rock, John the Beloved, and James the Son of Thunder! No other disciples were given such names, at least, on this earth.

We all know we have a new name given to us by our Savior in the heavens (see Revelation 2:17), but why not cash in now on that special name? Draw close to our Lord in love and obedience as His Disciple? Become the next Rock of our Lord! Become the next Beloved of our Savior! Become the next Son or Daughter of Thunder for our King! Yes, there is a cost of discipleship, but you will be exchanging it for heavenly gold and an eternal crown!

And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life." (Matthew 19:29)

Therefore, double down! Let discipleship become the beat of your heart, and watch the Lord call you out of the seventy and into His inner circle.

“He is no fool to give up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”— Jim Elliot

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