WORD of truth devotions

Then His Disciples Remembered

March 12, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

4 Minutes


Read John 2:13-35

“And He said to those who sold doves, “Take these things away! Do not make My Father’s house a house of merchandise!” Then His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up.”” (John 2:16–17)

What scene! Jesus was not yet a few days into His public ministry and already He had cleared out the Temple of the merchandizers. Tables cracked and laying in pieces on the ground. Shekels of silver scattered across the pavement. Sheep and oxen running rampant into the streets away from the chaos. Screaming and yelling from the violence and unrest. There was nothing diplomatic or discreet about it.

Jesus was furious in His zeal for His Father’s house. The moneychangers made a devilish stain on the holiness of God. And it drove Jesus to act rashly. We even learn in the previous verse (see John 2:15) that He made a whip of cords by which to lash at the moneychangers. A great many were healed by the hands of Jesus, but these people were hurt by the hands of Jesus. What a woe! — to be in the presence of the Healer only to walk away with stripes from the Zealer!

His Father’s house was the distinctive site of reverence to the God of Israel. It was the place where God chose to put His name and dwell between the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies. It was zeal for this. Zeal for His Father that was eating at Jesus, and the merchandizers were defiling His Father’s name for personal gain.

Christ’s zeal was not for a publicity stunt. His zeal was not for a campaign or for a political agenda. His zeal was for God. Christ could and would forebear a great many sins and evils, but one thing He could not bear was the profaning of His Father’s house.

And it is here that we can observe a subtle, but most profound observation, tucked away in verse 17.

Then His disciples remembered…

The disciples of Christ were watching all of this at a distance. We can imagine they were trying to make sense of the chaos in the actions of the Lord. How could they reconcile what they were observing with the character of the Messiah?

They remembered the Word of God.

They remembered the prophetic Psalm of King David: “Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up” (see Psalm 69:9).

What a lesson this is for us as Christ’s disciples in today’s world. If we want to make sense of all that we see, we must remember what was written. The Word of God needs to become a fountain within our being that gushes out and goes before us. Without the indwelling of the Word we are left to our own wisdom to make sense of our lives. We are left to our own devices to do ministry and understand Christianity.

Yet — how sad it is that many Christians live this way. They do not retain the inspired Words of the Holy Spirit in their souls, and are left as babes in Christ, unskilled in the Word of righteousness (see Hebrews 5:13-14).

Have we forgotten the sure words of the Apostle Peter, who said —

“His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,” (2 Peter 1:3)

Or the words of the Apostle Paul who commanded —

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom” (Colossians 3:16)

Let us therefore be disciples of Christ who remember what is written.

Beloved, let us move onto maturity in the Word of God and build the strength to wield the Sword of the Spirit; to put away the wisdom of man and seek after the wisdom of God. When we remember His Word, we will find it lighting the path beneath our feet as we step through this world of darkness.

“Your testimonies are wonderful; Therefore my soul keeps them. The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple. I opened my mouth and panted, For I longed for Your commandments. Look upon me and be merciful to me, As Your custom is toward those who love Your name. Direct my steps by Your word, And let no iniquity have dominion over me. Redeem me from the oppression of man, That I may keep Your precepts. Make Your face shine upon Your servant, And teach me Your statutes.” (Psalm 119:129–135)

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