WORD of truth devotions

God, the Rock

June 27, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

4 Minutes


Read Deuteronomy 32

“He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He.” (Deuteronomy 32:4)

In this chapter we have some of the final words ever spoken by the great man and prophet, Moses. It's a song of praise; a song of warning; a song of history; and a song of prophecy. It feels very much like a Psalm of David, and is full of observations about God's dealings with the nation of Israel and the divine nature of God Himself.

But within this song of Moses there is one observation that stands out above all. Moses consistently refers to God as "the Rock.

What a simple title to give to the Almighty! The Rock. But why this title? Why this picture?

We have to understand the context to grasp the weight of it. Moses is preparing to die on Mount Nebo and is getting ready to issue his final blessing to the next generation of Israelites who will enter the promise land under the leadership of his pupil, Joshua. For the last 40 plus years Moses has spoken face to face with God. He has witnessed and experienced more of God's glory and miraculous acts than any other man in history, save our Lord Himself.

Time fails us to detail events like the burning bush and the consuming fire on Mount Sinai; the plagues of Egypt and the crossing of the Red Sea; the tablets of stone written by the finger of God and the bronze serpent lifted up to heal; water from the rock and bread from heaven. Pillars of cloud by day and pillars of fire by night. This is only to name a few and it's all miraculous!

And yet, through all of the years of witnessing God in such ways, Moses has but one title to give Him: The Rock.

Perhaps one might expect to find some special significance within the Hebrew word rock, as some sort of significant formation or unique bedrock, and yet the Hebrew word is common. It speaks simply of a large boulder or in some cases a mountain.

But we must realize that it is the simplicity of the word that makes it an emphatic title for God! For God is the immovable, solid and sure foundation of all! He is impenetrable and unbreakable. All that God is, He is simply and without change. All that God does, He does simply and without weakness.

It is no wonder that for the rest of Scripture, this title would find its place through the mouths of future prophets and men of God!

King David famously sang his own song toward the end of his life, praising God for His deliverance. No surprise, King David adopts and expounds on Moses' title for God as the Rock.

“And he said: “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer…” The LORD lives! Blessed be my Rock! Let God be exalted, The Rock of my salvation!” (2 Samuel 22:2, 47)

We see this title flourish more in the Psalms as well (see Psalm 18:31; 95:1).

The prophet Isaiah also finds himself using this title, referring to Him as The Rock of Ages, in order to remind Israel of God's everlasting strength and power.

“Trust in the LORD forever, For in YAH, the LORD, is the Rock of Ages.” (Isaiah 26:4)

And is it any coincidence that Christ Jesus alludes to His own divine nature by proclaiming that anyone who heeds His words is like one who builds his house on the rock? Furthermore, Christ Himself is called the Chief Rock — that is, the Chief Cornerstone — of the temple of God!

No doubt, Moses spoke with the perfect analogy of God’s being and character. God is the Rock! He is the Rock of our Salvation, the bedrock of our faith and foundation of our lives.

May we proclaim as Moses did: He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He! Amen.

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