March 17, 2023
Greg Stone
Read Time:
3 Minutes
In context of Solomon’s words, the heart refers tos one’s values and convictions, whether they be good or evil. In this way, a man’s heart is all that he stands for and all that he is. If his heart is godly then he as a man will do that which is godly, but if his heart is evil then he as a man will ultimately perform that which is evil. Thus, Solomon warns his son to guard his heart with all diligence because it is the one single factor that would define his life.
Jesus likewise said:
Solomon likens the heart to a wellspring which flows. Just as a spring gushes forth water, so too does the heart gush forth the matters of someone’s heart. Imagine if that fresh spring of water was poisoned or became contaminated. Then it would begin to gush forth poisoned and contaminated water. The heart is no different. The heart will always inevitably reveal itself for what it has in it. Jesus once again proclaimed:
And the Apostle Paul, on the same principle, told the Galatian church:
We must, therefore, guard and protect our hearts lest the enemy come in to sow tares on good soil and infest the wellspring of our convictions with sin. Beloved, has there been a breach into your heart by that which defiles? If you know, then be urgent about casting it out lest it spread like cancer. Is there a noxious weed of sin growing in the midst of the garden of your heart? If you know, pull it out swiftly through prayer lest it take over and sear your conscience.
Paul told young pastor Timothy:
Take heed! Don’t let your guard down, for you will not only save yourself but those around you. This is the essence of what wise King Solomon meant.
But praise be to God that we have Christ dwelling in our hearts through faith (see Ephesians 3:17), and we have the peace of God to doubly secure our hearts and minds through prayer (see Philippians 4:6-7). Let us, therefore, be trusting and praying in Christ diligently, and we will see the life of the Spirit guarding our hearts and gushing forth!
Psalm 13:6
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ReadDeuteronomy 7:7
Greg Stone
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ReadWe invite you to join us in worshipping our great God and studying His Word
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