WORD of truth devotions

The Living Jesus

April 9, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

3 Minutes


Read Luke 24:1-12

“Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, [the angels] said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5)

Women in mourning arrived at the scene to anoint the dead body of Jesus with burial spices. This was customary. But imagine their surprise when nothing was as they expected. The stone was rolled away from the mouth of the tomb. Roman guards were laid out across the ground. Angelic men in glory were radiating nearby. What would you do if you were there? How would you react? I would think we all would respond as the women did — afraid and bowing our faces to the earth.

The angels make no sudden announcement, but begin with a simple yet piercing question. Why do you seek the living among the dead?

We might almost take the angels’ question as a subtle rebuke — "Why do you think the Lord is here? Do you really believe He is still dead?” Oh — the amazement the women must have felt in their gut to hear such words. Living? Jesus is alive?

To ensure they could not be misunderstood, the angels make the announcement of Christ's resurrection crystal clear:

“He is not here, but is risen, as He said!” (Matthew 28:6)

The women had made a sure mistake. They were not only looking in the wrong place for Jesus, but they were looking for the wrong Jesus altogether! They were seeking a dead Jesus — a Jesus defeated by the grave! That “Jesus” simply does not exist.

But I wonder, dear friend, if we ourselves have made this twofold mistake in our own Christian walk? Perhaps we need to hear such a rebuke for our own lives. Are we searching for Jesus in the dead places? Even worse, are we looking for a dead Jesus still in the grave? Granted — we would never admit such a thing, but we often live in such a way, don’t we?

When the battle rages in your life, where do you go? Do you seek for life among dead things? Do you pursue answers from a barren tomb? Do you disbelieve that Christ is alive within you to provide His resurrection power?

We are children of the Living God and redeemed saints of the Living Christ! Let us not be guilty of pursuing answers among the bones and solutions among rotten flesh. If you need Truth, go to the Living Word, not to dead counselors. If you need Hope, go to our Living Hope, not to a hopeless world. If you need nourishment for the soul, run to the Giver of Living Water, not to the bitter waters of the ungodly.

Everything you need is found in the Living Jesus! — the Resurrected Jesus. Seek this Jesus! — and no other. Leave the tomb behind, turn around and seek Him among the garden of life. Just as He made Himself known to His disciples, our Lord Jesus Christ will certainly make Himself known to you.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...” (1 Peter 1:3)

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