WORD of truth devotions

What Do You Want to Gain?

May 1, 2023


Greg Stone

Read Time:

3 Minutes


Read Philippians 3:1-16

“But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.” (Philippians 3:7)

"Gain to me." It's personal.

Paul outlined his personal gains in Judaism earlier in this chapter (see Philippians 3:1-6), and they were like neatly embedded jewels on a crown of self-righteousness. Paul had superiority in religion, in relationships, and in reputation. He was a Pharisee, of the stock of Israel, a Hebrew of Hebrews. Paul was destined to be, perhaps, the greatest Pharisee in all the land of Israel. All of these were personal gains — personal achievements.

But then Paul met Christ! Suddenly all of those personal gains were without importance in comparison. "I have counted them all loss for Christ."

The word counted is a peculiar word that Paul uses here. It actually means to lead or to command. It's often used of rulers or authorities in commanding something into action or existence. In fact, this word is used some 30 times in the New Testament, and in multiple places it is translated to govern or to rule. (see Matthew 2:6; Luke 22:26; Acts 7:10).

Thus, Paul uses this word of authority in reference to himself. Now that he is in Christ he has the ability to take the things which were personal gains to him and command them and lead them away.

This teaches us something vital. Christ has given us clear authority over Self through the Spirit. Every single time we see Self on the throne of our heart, we must immediately recognize that it is not there by its own right. It has usurped the authority of our risen Lord, and it has thereby taken dominion where it does not belong.

The most cunning way that Self usurps authority is by refusing to let go of personal gains, even for the sake of Christ. Think of it! How often do we attempt to justify leaving a part of our Self intact with the excuse: "Ah, Lord, I don't need to get rid of that. Instead, I'll just use it for Your glory." That may sound spiritual — but in the end, it's just Self playing a crafty game of finders keepers.

Beloved, we must ask ourselves: Will God receive greater glory in us using our gain for Him, or us counting it loss to gain Him? I think we know the answer. We have far more to gain in Christ! We must lay all of our personal gains at His feet.

Let Christ be your gain, Christian! — and let Him command what must stay and what must go! There is no greater joy than having all of Christ! And in Paul’s case — he knew this was so:

“Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ” (Philippians 3:8)

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