Hebrews 5:13-14
Greg Stone
Apr 30, 2023
Herein lies the key to maturity in the life of the Christian. All of it depends on the diet and the exercise of God's Word, just as our health depends on the diet and exercise of our bodies. Perhaps this analogy has been overused and is too
ReadNumbers 4:49
Greg Stone
Apr 27, 2023
In this seemingly tedious chapter of Numbers we learn of the marching orders given to the Levites concerning the tabernacle. But hidden within we discover a powerful truth about God and about ministry, which is — ministry should be done...
ReadColossians 2:16-17
Greg Stone
Apr 24, 2023
The shadow is a place where you hide. It’s a place where the fear of man reigns and the freedom of God ceases. It’s a place where many attempt to appear religious and righteous, but in reality they are burdened and overwhelmed.
ReadExodus 26:33
Greg Stone
Mar 15, 2023
The plans of the tabernacle which Moses was to construct was the embodiment of the Old Covenant. The demand of God’s holiness and the tendency toward Israel’s sinfulness required layers upon layers to be between God and His people....
ReadPsalm 17:15
Greg Stone
Aug 13, 2023
You might say that David was theologically ahead of his time. His thoughts, his prayers and his desires often foreshadow the doctrines of the New Testament that Christ revealed. No wonder David was a man after God’s own heart!
ReadNumbers 9:22-23
Greg Stone
May 2, 2023
Our journeys are appointed by the LORD. Every child of God is being directed by the Almighty hand, and the body of Christ is being orchestrated together for His divine purposes. We must remember that these are all things, "which God prepare