Deuteronomy 32:4
Greg Stone
Jun 27, 2023
In this chapter we have some of the final words ever spoken by the great man and prophet, Moses. It's a song of praise; a song of warning; a song of history; and a song of prophecy. It feels very much like a Psalm of David, and is full...
ReadRomans 3:24
Greg Stone
May 17, 2023
Redemption! It is a theme throughout the corpus of Scripture that should cause us to celebrate and become filled with gratitude. As we consider such a powerful doctrine, we must take great care to understand what the word redemption means..
ReadColossians 1:15
Greg Stone
Apr 13, 2023
This is a profound statement about the Lord Jesus Christ. If you look carefully at your Bible, you'll notice that this is the first of three "He is" statements found within the context. It's almost poetic. First, He is the image of the...
ReadEzekiel 38:23
Greg Stone
Oct 5, 2023
Ezekiel 38 and 39 possess a fascinating prophecy about Israel which is yet to be fulfilled. It describes a union of neighboring nations from the north (see Ezekiel 38:15) that will attack and seek to destroy Israel during a time of peace...
ReadPsalm 30:4-5
Greg Stone
Aug 22, 2023
What a word of hope and humility. Even though this life is filled with sharp stones of tribulation under our feet, there is a banner above us in the name of our God where favor and joy abounds.
ReadGenesis 20:6
Greg Stone
Jan 19, 2023
“I withheld you from sinning against Me.” — Genesis 20:6 We have this truly peculiar account in the book of Genesis between Abraham and a king named Abimelech. If you know the context, you’ll know that Abraham was caught red-handed in...