Deuteronomy 11:18-19
Greg Stone
Jun 7, 2023
Just as the nation of Israel was called to lay up the words of God in their hearts and to teach them to their children, the Christian is called to do the same. This command is consistent throughout Scripture. Did not Paul command to let...
ReadProverbs 15:1-2
Greg Stone
Mar 28, 2023
It turns out that true wisdom is exercised, not from the mind, but from the tongue. How a man uses his tongue is a direct indication of whether he is a wise man or is a fool. The mouth has the power to turn a wrathful situation into one...
Read2 Samuel 7:24
Greg Stone
Sep 12, 2023
Oh, the faithfulness of God! He has made the nation of Israel His own special people, and has promised them a wonderful future with Jesus Christ as their lasting King. Away with those who believe that the church has replaced Israel...
ReadJob 38:3
Greg Stone
Mar 9, 2023
Job was indeed a righteous man before the Almighty, but in his suffering he had become presumptuous. As Job’s discourse comes to an end, he wonders if he will ever hear from God on the question of why. Over and over Job petitions...
ReadJob 42:7
Greg Stone
Mar 13, 2023
Eliphaz was one of the three friends of Job, if you could even call them friends, who thought of themselves as spiritual counselors to Job. If you go back and read their many words about God, you might even believe them! They appear...
ReadMark 10:14
Greg Stone
Feb 7, 2023
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:14) How often do you suppose a little child would run up to Jesus? I would imagine it happened more often than we realize...