Matthew 16:16
Greg Stone
Jan 16, 2023
“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!” (Matthew 16:16)These are the words, not of a righteous man, but of a sinful man who only moments afterward would be sharply rebuked by the Lord for being an instrument of Satan...
ReadRomans 5:1
Greg Stone
Aug 15, 2023
The Scripture declare the Almighty God to be so pure that He cannot even bear to look upon sin. There is not a single deviation in His character, nor the slightest shadow in the brightness of His holiness (see Habakkuk 1:13; Psalm 5:4).
ReadExodus 2:11
Greg Stone
Feb 19, 2023
Moses, no doubt, grew up as a peculiar child in a peculiar situation. Like Joseph before him, the son of Jacob, Moses was yet another Hebrew walking freely within the emerald and topaz courts of Egypt...
ReadLeviticus 6:13
Greg Stone
Apr 3, 2023
Behold! — what grace is shown by our God even in the Old Covenant Law that the Altar of God’s holy fire was never to be put out. On this Altar the children of Israel would offer many different kinds of sacrifices and offerings...
ReadPsalm 60:12
Greg Stone
Sep 14, 2023
David was a man of war. He fought hundreds of battles, each with the assurance of victory because his skill. Or was it his skill? David was, of course, a fierce warrior and a gifted strategist, but if you were to ask him the reason for...
ReadExodus 40:33
Greg Stone
Mar 30, 2023
Moses was the prophet and the mediator of the Old Covenant. To Moses was given the Law to preach to the nation of Israel (see Exodus 19:20-21). To Moses was given the plans of the tabernacle (see Exodus 25:40) where the LORD’s presence...