"Maranatha!" is an Aramaic term that means "Come, O Lord!" and it has been the anthem of the church since our Lord promised to return for His church. In this series, Maranatha, we will carefully study verse by verse through the Book of Revelation with insights from the Book of Daniel interwoven to provide a cohesive understanding of biblical prophecy. This series shows us how God intends to close up the current era of human history and usher in a new eternal world as promised by God's Word. Together, we will uncover hope, encouragement, and excitement as we walk with Christ today and anticipate Christ's soon return in the near future.
We invite you to join us in worshipping our great God and studying His Word
The Boys & Girls Club of Bend: 500 NW Wall Street, Bend
Livestream (Teaching Only): Starts @10:45am on YouTube