Numbers 14:8-9
Greg Stone
May 6, 2023
How quickly fear and faithlessness can run a rampage among a congregation! Israel was right there at the border of the promise land, and yet they would not enter in. All of the wonders and miracles which God has wrought among them was...
ReadJob 38:3
Greg Stone
Mar 9, 2023
Job was indeed a righteous man before the Almighty, but in his suffering he had become presumptuous. As Job’s discourse comes to an end, he wonders if he will ever hear from God on the question of why. Over and over Job petitions...
ReadJohn 6:68-69
Greg Stone
Mar 16, 2023
Jesus did not commit Himself to men because He knew what was in men’s hearts (see John 2:24). He was exclusively committed to preaching to the truth of God according to the Spirit. Because of this, Jesus never once walked in insecurity...
Read2 Samuel 24:1
Greg Stone
Sep 28, 2023
Take note of the word “again.” The context does not tell us exactly what it was that aroused the LORD’s anger against Israel, but it was repeated and it had come to a culmination. Unrepentant sin must be dealt with eventually, whether by...
ReadPsalm 130:3-4
Greg Stone
Jul 2, 2023
What a thought to imagine all of my sins spread out before the Lord. I would be overwhelmed at the number! If every transgression were a grain of sand, my sins would make the dunes of the Sahara seem as altogether insignificant...
ReadEcclesiastes 4:13
Greg Stone
Apr 17, 2023
This verse speaks on many levels to the broken human condition. Mankind is quick to favor those who have a worldly place of prominence, whether it be their position, their prosperity, or their prime of age. But those who are poorer, younger