Job 1:22
Greg Stone
Feb 2, 2023
“In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong.” (Job 1:22) Few can imagine bearing the loss that Job bore. In a single day Job lost all of his wealth, his posterity, and worse of all, his sons and daughters. As I write these...
Read2 Samuel 7:24
Greg Stone
Sep 12, 2023
Oh, the faithfulness of God! He has made the nation of Israel His own special people, and has promised them a wonderful future with Jesus Christ as their lasting King. Away with those who believe that the church has replaced Israel...
Read2 Thessalonians 2:7
Greg Stone
Apr 10, 2023
There is much theologically we could unpack in this verse. It rests on one of the most pivotal sections of Scripture about the end times, and describes a very present reality we are all witnessing today.
ReadLuke 24:5
Greg Stone
Apr 9, 2023
Women in mourning arrived at the scene to anoint the dead body of Jesus with burial spices. This was customary. But imagine their surprise when nothing was as they expected. The stone was rolled away from the mouth of the tomb. Roman guards
ReadColossians 1:15
Greg Stone
Apr 13, 2023
This is a profound statement about the Lord Jesus Christ. If you look carefully at your Bible, you'll notice that this is the first of three "He is" statements found within the context. It's almost poetic. First, He is the image of the...
ReadPsalm 7:10
Greg Stone
Apr 4, 2023
What a great comfort to all who are the LORD’s! God is our defense and our salvation! Could you ask for a more ferocious defense than our God’s? Who can penetrate it? What trial or trouble or conflict can pierce it? No principalities or pow