Proverbs 7:4
Greg Stone
Mar 20, 2023
The words *wisdom, understanding, instruction and knowledge* are used collectively in the Proverbs 184 times. This does not include other similar words and idioms*.* Solomon so deeply wants his son to become a man, not of stature or...
ReadEzekiel 1:26-28
Greg Stone
Aug 29, 2023
Ezekiel’s prophecy comes at you with all of the celestial force of heaven within only a few verses. It leaps off the page at you! Ezekiel sees angels, wings, faces, eyes, wheels, rainbows, and more. You get the feeling that Ezekiel was...
ReadActs 15:18-19
Greg Stone
Jul 28, 2023
This chapter in the Book of Acts rightfully sits at the center of Luke's historical account of the early church. The first half of the Book of Acts primarily details the spread of Gospel among the Jews through the Apostle Peter's ministry..
ReadMark 5:36
Greg Stone
Jul 23, 2023
Everything about this account is chaotic. You can feel the urgency of the situation as an innocent, little girl was on the verge of death. She was the daughter of Jairus, a ruler of a local synagogue. Jairus had petitioned Jesus to follow..
ReadPsalm 79:8
Greg Stone
May 27, 2023
This is a shocking Psalm — one which is full of heartache, uncertainty and sorrow. While the exact historical event is not named in this psalm, all of the events line up with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians which led Judah..
ReadDeuteronomy 11:18-19
Greg Stone
Jun 7, 2023
Just as the nation of Israel was called to lay up the words of God in their hearts and to teach them to their children, the Christian is called to do the same. This command is consistent throughout Scripture. Did not Paul command to let...