Exodus 40:33
Greg Stone
Mar 30, 2023
Moses was the prophet and the mediator of the Old Covenant. To Moses was given the Law to preach to the nation of Israel (see Exodus 19:20-21). To Moses was given the plans of the tabernacle (see Exodus 25:40) where the LORD’s presence...
ReadEsther 4:13-14
Greg Stone
May 28, 2023
An edict had been set forth to massacre all of the Jews in the Persian empire — a demonic decree brought into fruition by a wicked Agagite named Haman. Esther, a Jew and the Queen of Peria, must act! She must intercede for her people...
ReadIsaiah 6:1
Greg Stone
May 8, 2023
What a vision! The prophet Isaiah transports us into the throne room of God where we are immediately confronted with majestic glory and divine resplendence. Even the Seraphim who were appointed to cry out “Holy, Holy, Holy” were given extra
ReadPhilippians 4:6-7
Greg Stone
Jul 30, 2023
These are some of the most popular verses in the entire Bible among Christians, as it should be. These are deserving verses to be memorized as they are packed with incredible wisdom.
ReadDeuteronomy 7:7
Greg Stone
Jun 3, 2023
The great prophet Moses reminds Israel of God’s love for them and God’s choosing of them as His special people. But a vital clarification is made. The LORD does not choose or love based on the might, power or strength of a person...
ReadExodus 10:20
Greg Stone
Feb 27, 2023
The Word of God supports the notion that the heart of man is originally soft and malleable. We can clearly observe this in the heart of a child, which is why our Lord commanded that we must become like little children if we want to enter...