Romans 3:24
Greg Stone
May 11, 2023
Having discovered all of the wonderful truths of justification by faith in our previous devotion — that we are declared right with God once and for all through Christ's righteousness — we must now turn to another important word which....
ReadJob 26:14
Greg Stone
Feb 25, 2023
Oh, how great and unsearchable are the ways of God! Surely, even in Job’s suffering, he was in awe of God and the transcendence of His presence and power. We often praise God that He is near to us, but there must be times when we praise...
ReadHebrews 9:12
Greg Stone
May 4, 2023
In modern times it is hard for us to truly fathom the work involved for the Levitical priesthood. The labor was grueling, bloody, sacred and, most of all, constant. We cannot appreciate in our experience what the original Jews must have...
ReadPhilippians 3:7
Greg Stone
May 1, 2023
Paul outlined his personal gains in Judaism earlier in this chapter (see Philippians 3:1-6), and they were like neatly embedded jewels on a crown of self righteousness. Paul had superiority in religion, in relationships, and in reputation..
Read1 Kings 12:13-14
Greg Stone
Oct 9, 2023
The Scriptures are full of wisdom inside and out, even in the most unsuspecting ways, for here we learn about the much needed principle of eldership within leadership.
ReadEzekiel 38:23
Greg Stone
Oct 5, 2023
Ezekiel 38 and 39 possess a fascinating prophecy about Israel which is yet to be fulfilled. It describes a union of neighboring nations from the north (see Ezekiel 38:15) that will attack and seek to destroy Israel during a time of peace...