1 Corinthians 5:6-7
Greg Stone
Feb 18, 2023
“Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was...
ReadHebrews 5:13-14
Greg Stone
Apr 30, 2023
Herein lies the key to maturity in the life of the Christian. All of it depends on the diet and the exercise of God's Word, just as our health depends on the diet and exercise of our bodies. Perhaps this analogy has been overused and is too
ReadDeuteronomy 2:7
Greg Stone
May 29, 2023
Moses was speaking to the next generation of Israelites — the generation whose parents rebelled against the LORD in entering the promise land. But now it was their turn to trust God for this same promise as He directed them back to the land
Read2 Samuel 7:24
Greg Stone
Sep 12, 2023
Oh, the faithfulness of God! He has made the nation of Israel His own special people, and has promised them a wonderful future with Jesus Christ as their lasting King. Away with those who believe that the church has replaced Israel...
ReadProverbs 7:4
Greg Stone
Mar 20, 2023
The words *wisdom, understanding, instruction and knowledge* are used collectively in the Proverbs 184 times. This does not include other similar words and idioms*.* Solomon so deeply wants his son to become a man, not of stature or...
ReadEphesians 3:10-11
Greg Stone
Oct 3, 2023
Take special note of Paul’s words to the Ephesians. We, the church, have the unique role of showing forth the wisdom of God to the principalities and powers of heaven. How marvelous and unsearchable are the depths of God’s grace that He...