Romans 3:24
Greg Stone
May 10, 2023
Our whole relationship with God is built on the terms of 6 words: “being justified freely by His grace.” The old terms of righteousness contained 613 commandments in about 77,000 words in length — but the new terms of righteousness through
ReadEphesians 3:10-11
Greg Stone
Oct 3, 2023
Take special note of Paul’s words to the Ephesians. We, the church, have the unique role of showing forth the wisdom of God to the principalities and powers of heaven. How marvelous and unsearchable are the depths of God’s grace that He...
ReadIsaiah 9:6-7
Greg Stone
Dec 20, 2023
In the tapestry of God's grand design, the names of Christ weave a story of divine wonder, guidance, power, eternity, and peace.
ReadPsalm 130:3-4
Greg Stone
Jul 2, 2023
What a thought to imagine all of my sins spread out before the Lord. I would be overwhelmed at the number! If every transgression were a grain of sand, my sins would make the dunes of the Sahara seem as altogether insignificant...
ReadMark 8:34
Greg Stone
Jul 27, 2023
Much has been said about the meaning of Christ's words here on discipleship. Camps have been divided on its interpretation. Is there a difference between a Christian and a disciple, or are they one in the same? Are Christ's words...
ReadHebrews 1:3
Greg Stone
Apr 26, 2023
Beloved, there is hardly a verse that has so much divine energy packed into only a handful of words. The author of Hebrews beckons us to draw near to Christ, who is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s nature. Just as