Joshua 3:13
Greg Stone
Jul 1, 2023
God was with the nation of Israel every step of the way into the promise land. Some of those steps were simple, others were difficult, while others required full faith and confidence in God to perform a miracle. The step into the large...
ReadEphesians 3:10-11
Greg Stone
Oct 3, 2023
Take special note of Paul’s words to the Ephesians. We, the church, have the unique role of showing forth the wisdom of God to the principalities and powers of heaven. How marvelous and unsearchable are the depths of God’s grace that He...
ReadHosea 8:4
Greg Stone
Nov 2, 2023
Hosea was married to a harlot. And Hosea’s ministry was not in the declaration of his words, but also in the depiction of his wedlock.
ReadPsalm 17:15
Greg Stone
Aug 13, 2023
You might say that David was theologically ahead of his time. His thoughts, his prayers and his desires often foreshadow the doctrines of the New Testament that Christ revealed. No wonder David was a man after God’s own heart!
ReadLuke 14:28
Greg Stone
Feb 28, 2023
Jesus always had much to say about discipleship. The stories He portrayed and the principles He used were radical, revolutionary and thought-provoking. They still are today. Christ boldly spoke about the cost of discipleship and what it wou
ReadHebrews 1:3
Greg Stone
Apr 26, 2023
Beloved, there is hardly a verse that has so much divine energy packed into only a handful of words. The author of Hebrews beckons us to draw near to Christ, who is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s nature. Just as