Job 1:22
Greg Stone
Feb 2, 2023
“In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong.” (Job 1:22) Few can imagine bearing the loss that Job bore. In a single day Job lost all of his wealth, his posterity, and worse of all, his sons and daughters. As I write these...
ReadPsalm 17:15
Greg Stone
Aug 13, 2023
You might say that David was theologically ahead of his time. His thoughts, his prayers and his desires often foreshadow the doctrines of the New Testament that Christ revealed. No wonder David was a man after God’s own heart!
ReadPsalm 10:1
Greg Stone
Aug 9, 2023
This is Psalm is about David's disgust over evil. When he observed the success that the wicked were having in their evil schemes he was provoked to cry out to God: Why Lord? How can you stand around while trouble falls upon the poor and...
Read1 Thessalonians 3:3
Greg Stone
Apr 6, 2023
The word *shaken* was an old Greek term that meant more literally *to wag.* Surprising enough, it was used primarily of friendly dogs wagging their tails. Back and forth, back and forth, to and fro, in great movements and at great speeds...
ReadPsalm 102:19-21
Greg Stone
Oct 13, 2023
This Psalm is a raw expression of human suffering and a plea for God’s intervention in the midst of destruction and desperation. The author is unknown, but what is certain is his hope in the God of Israel. As the author gazes upon ruins...
ReadHebrews 5:13-14
Greg Stone
Apr 30, 2023
Herein lies the key to maturity in the life of the Christian. All of it depends on the diet and the exercise of God's Word, just as our health depends on the diet and exercise of our bodies. Perhaps this analogy has been overused and is too