2 Corinthians 5:2
Greg Stone
Mar 6, 2023
Our future resurrection is real. One day we will shed off this body of sin and be clothed with our new heavenly habitation — a new glorious body. So real is this future hope and reality that Paul actually describes the Christian as...
ReadProverbs 11:30
Greg Stone
Mar 24, 2023
God’s people — those declared righteous under the precious blood of Christ — are intended to be like a fruitful tree which gives forth its fruit in due season, whose leaf does not wither and flow never fades (see Psalm 1:2-3)...
ReadRomans 8:31
Greg Stone
Feb 5, 2023
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) This eighth chapter of Romans has been known as the pinnacle and most sacred section in all of Scripture. An old saint of God has called...
ReadPsalm 130:3-4
Greg Stone
Jul 2, 2023
What a thought to imagine all of my sins spread out before the Lord. I would be overwhelmed at the number! If every transgression were a grain of sand, my sins would make the dunes of the Sahara seem as altogether insignificant...
ReadGenesis 39:9
Greg Stone
Feb 6, 2023
“…How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” — Genesis 39:9 Joseph, the son of Jacob, was truly a man of character and unwavering integrity. At the young age of 17 years old ...
ReadRomans 3:24
Greg Stone
May 13, 2023
Grace! God’s grace! One of the most outstanding words in all of the Bible. The word in the original language is charis, from which we get the word charity or charisma. The word itself means more literally kindness or favor. In light of...