Romans 5:8
Greg Stone
Jun 28, 2023
In this section of Scripture, we have a clear description of who we were when Christ died for us. Not neutral bystanders, and certainly not good or righteous saints, but vile ungodly sinner and enemies of God! This is who Christ died for —
Read1 Corinthians 9:25-26
Greg Stone
Feb 22, 2023
Uncertainty is one of the greatest enemies of the Christian life. It creates a slew of problems and difficulties, including doubt, inaction, passivity, anxiety, laziness, and most of all, fear. And if undealt with in the heart of the believ
ReadLuke 1:31-33
Greg Stone
Dec 24, 2023
The announcement of Jesus' birth to Mary by the angel Gabriel is a cornerstone of our faith, revealing profound truths about the Savior of the world.
Read1 Thessalonians 3:3
Greg Stone
Apr 6, 2023
The word *shaken* was an old Greek term that meant more literally *to wag.* Surprising enough, it was used primarily of friendly dogs wagging their tails. Back and forth, back and forth, to and fro, in great movements and at great speeds...
ReadNumbers 33:55
Greg Stone
May 25, 2023
What an applicable warning to all of God’s people who fail to diligently drive out the inhabitants of the land — that is, the godless practices and idols of the heart. For the nation of Israel, it was the physical land of Canaan to which...
ReadJohn 21:25
Greg Stone
Mar 31, 2023
I personally love that John the Apostle leaves it to the imagination of the reader to think of all the things that Christ did during His earthly ministry. Thousands upon thousands of individuals were impacted by Christ directly...