Matthew 10:16
Greg Stone
Jun 30, 2023
What words of wisdom from our Lord Jesus Christ! We are sent out in His name, for His glory, not as royal diplomats or as wealthy ambassadors, but as sheep in the midst of wolves. Yes, we are a royal priesthood and a holy nation in the...
ReadJohn 11:25-26
Greg Stone
Apr 11, 2023
As the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is at the forefront of our minds, naturally we’re curios to the idea: What is resurrection? Why is Christ’s resurrection significant, historically and theologically? And how does His resurrection
ReadDeuteronomy 2:7
Greg Stone
May 29, 2023
Moses was speaking to the next generation of Israelites — the generation whose parents rebelled against the LORD in entering the promise land. But now it was their turn to trust God for this same promise as He directed them back to the land
ReadRomans 5:20-21
Greg Stone
Jul 7, 2023
If God’s grace were an ocean, our sin would be but a grain of sand! My sin is great, but God’s grace is greater still. God’s favor and kindness toward us will always abound over our sin, as Paul says, and will reign in our lives through...
ReadLuke 1:31-33
Greg Stone
Dec 24, 2023
The announcement of Jesus' birth to Mary by the angel Gabriel is a cornerstone of our faith, revealing profound truths about the Savior of the world.
ReadPsalm 145:3
Greg Stone
Jul 10, 2023
We cannot truly comprehend the magnitude of our God. All of who God is can only be known to Himself. His power. His majesty. His wisdom. His knowledge. His compassion. His righteousness. All of Him!