Luke 6:5
Greg Stone
Feb 20, 2023
The Sabbath Law was a custom well over 1,000 years old which came from the Torah, the Law of Moses. Even more, this law was not created by man, but issued by God Himself and written by the finger of the Almighty on Stone Tablets which...
ReadRomans 3:24
Greg Stone
May 14, 2023
Beloved in Christ, could we possibly turn our attention to a more life giving truth than this? These verses burst forth like a spring of water in a dry dessert for the weary soul! Every child of God can drink from these waters and be...
ReadPsalm 30:4-5
Greg Stone
Aug 22, 2023
What a word of hope and humility. Even though this life is filled with sharp stones of tribulation under our feet, there is a banner above us in the name of our God where favor and joy abounds.
ReadPsalm 79:8
Greg Stone
May 27, 2023
This is a shocking Psalm — one which is full of heartache, uncertainty and sorrow. While the exact historical event is not named in this psalm, all of the events line up with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians which led Judah..
ReadMicah 5:2
Greg Stone
Dec 23, 2023
In the heart of Micah's prophecy lies a profound truth about the advent of Christ: His absolute rulership.
ReadProverbs 4:23
Greg Stone
Mar 17, 2023
In context of Solomon’s words, the *heart* refers one’s values and convictions, whether they be good or evil. In this way, a man’s heart is all that he stands for and all that he is. If his heart is godly then he as a man will do that...