Psalm 20:7
Greg Stone
Aug 16, 2023
The chariot was the height of man’s technology in ancient days, and the horse was the might of ancient warfare. The strength of a nation’s military was determined by these two factors. From a sheer human perspective, this was critical...
ReadHosea 8:4
Greg Stone
Nov 2, 2023
Hosea was married to a harlot. And Hosea’s ministry was not in the declaration of his words, but also in the depiction of his wedlock.
ReadRomans 1:16
Greg Stone
Aug 11, 2023
When the Apostle Paul was confronted by the Risen Christ for the first time on the road to Damascus he was changed forever. His eyes went blind from the glorious revelation. It wouldn’t be until several days later that a faithful disciple..
ReadPsalm 130:3-4
Greg Stone
Jul 2, 2023
What a thought to imagine all of my sins spread out before the Lord. I would be overwhelmed at the number! If every transgression were a grain of sand, my sins would make the dunes of the Sahara seem as altogether insignificant...
ReadLuke 2:7
Greg Stone
Dec 25, 2023
In the shadow of great empires and mighty rulers, the birth of Jesus Christ unfolded under circumstances that were anything but grand. It’s a beautiful account to us because we’ve read it and beautified it with western Christmas traditions.
ReadExodus 10:20
Greg Stone
Feb 27, 2023
The Word of God supports the notion that the heart of man is originally soft and malleable. We can clearly observe this in the heart of a child, which is why our Lord commanded that we must become like little children if we want to enter...