Psalm 66:1-2
Greg Stone
May 15, 2023
The unknown psalmist invites us in to worship the God of Heaven as he declares the greatness of the LORD. And in this beautiful Psalm we rediscover what it means to be happy in our praises to God...
ReadPhilippians 3:7
Greg Stone
May 1, 2023
Paul outlined his personal gains in Judaism earlier in this chapter (see Philippians 3:1-6), and they were like neatly embedded jewels on a crown of self righteousness. Paul had superiority in religion, in relationships, and in reputation..
ReadMatthew 16:16
Greg Stone
Jan 16, 2023
“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!” (Matthew 16:16)These are the words, not of a righteous man, but of a sinful man who only moments afterward would be sharply rebuked by the Lord for being an instrument of Satan...
ReadGenesis 43:34
Greg Stone
Feb 10, 2023
“Then he took servings to them from before him, but Benjamin’s serving was five times as much as any of theirs. So they drank and were merry with him.” — Genesis 43:34 The whole scene of these final chapters in Genesis unravels in...
ReadPsalm 17:15
Greg Stone
Aug 13, 2023
You might say that David was theologically ahead of his time. His thoughts, his prayers and his desires often foreshadow the doctrines of the New Testament that Christ revealed. No wonder David was a man after God’s own heart!
ReadPhilippians 4:6-7
Greg Stone
Jul 30, 2023
These are some of the most popular verses in the entire Bible among Christians, as it should be. These are deserving verses to be memorized as they are packed with incredible wisdom.